What We Offer
Drama Tots (3-5 Years)
Drama Tots is a half hour class that promotes dramatic play, songs with actions, story time and rehearsal for the current show. Parents are welcome to join in. Please note that the numbers in this class are limited.
Musical Theatre
Musical Theatre classes are a little bit of everything. It will involve singing, choreography, and rehearsal for the current show. Musical Theatre classes are hard work but very rewarding, and the students will be able to show off all they have learnt in a variety of shows throughout the year.
Song & Dance
Song and dance class concentrates more on dancing as an ensemble but will also involve singing and acting. This class is great for trained dancers as well as beginners. Dancing in an ensemble is an important part of musical theatre and the students will perform their song and dance routine in the musicals throughout the year.
Students explore vocal technique, choral singing tone, part singing and performance. The choral numbers learnt will be performed in the shows throughout the year.
Stay tuned – Drama-only classes are taking a short break but will return bigger and better.
Class Times
While Drama club will do its upmost best to ensure that everyone will get their chosen class, students with their enrolment forms back will get first preference as class sizes are limited.
Click here to view the current timetable.
What to Wear
Students may wear comfortable clothes with Drama Club T-shirt.
Please see Joey Gibb for T-shirt order forms. Zip Up Hoodies are also available.
Note: The above timetable may vary depending on class sizes. You will receive an updated timetable before the commencement of term.
Drama Tots – $5 p/lesson
Musical Theatre – $15 p/lesson
Song & Dance – $15 p/lesson
Choral – $15 p/lesson
2 or more classes will be $25 per week.
There is a 10% discount for immediate families with 2 or more members.
Gap year students are half price.
Additional Costs
Membership – $20 Annual Fee, payable on enrolment.
Costume Hire – Each show will have a costume hire cost.
Please Note: Fees are paid by the term.